A couple who invested $5,000 in Inter-Sea Fisheries Inc. — a company planning a $1.8 billion tuna fishing operation — yesterday filed suit alleging fraud and asking for $50,000 in damages and their original investment.
Marc D. Adelman, 29, received SDTLA’s November “Trial Lawyer of the Month” award for his finesse in handling the fraud case of Westco Climate Engineering, Inc. vs. Paul Metevier.
SAN DIEGO DAILY TRANSCRIPT So you don’t like to fly? Unfortunately, transplanted families, the beck and call of employment, and the time restraints require many of us to travel by air on a regular basis.
So you don’t like to fly? Unfortunately, transplanted families, the beck and call of employment, and the time restraints require many of us to travel by air on a regular basis.
It is interesting to me to observe the many different legal issues that our office encounters on a daily basis. Often times those issues involve complaints from attorneys, more often however, those complaints come from the public about our judicial system.